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It's unbelievable

The most devastating genocide in the world is being carried out by AIPAC ( ) and the Evangelical Church, which kill innocent women and children in Gaza.

AIPAC and The Evangelical Church (America) provided Israel with TNT (explosives) for their GENOCIDE.

Gaza has been declared a disaster area and lacks essential resources for living in it, as follows.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 90% of Gaza, destroying 437,600 homes, and killing one million people, including 50 thousand who are currently under rubble, 80% of whom are women and children.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 330,000 meters of water pipes, resulting in people not being able to drink water.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed more than 655,000 meters of underground sewer lines. Now people have no washrooms to use.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 2,800,000 two million eight hundred thousand meters of roads, causing people to have no roads to use.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel have destroyed 3680 km of electric grid, which has caused people to lose electricity.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 48 hospitals and leveled them to the ground. Now, no one will have a hospital to save their lives.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (USA), and Israel destroyed over 785,000 students' ability to attend school and learn. Their actions resulted in the complete destruction of 494 schools and universities, many of which were destroyed by bombing.

AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 981 mosques to prevent homless people from asking God for help.

AIPAC and The Evangelical Church (America) have made over 39000 small children orphans and left them without parents or relatives to care for them.

There has never been a war in history where 80% of the country has been destroyed, 100% of the population has been displaced, and 50% of the deaths are children.

Don't hesitate to call it what it is

AIPAC ( ) and The Evangelical Church (America) are creating a GENOCIDE.

see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer money

1- see Why Israel is in deep trouble

2- Because the God of Money of our World is a Jew who supports and lives in Israel. For more details, click on the following link.

3- Because what USA president say about AIPAC and The Evangelical Church (America) ricans%20knowl%20what%20you%20have%20seen%20&t=1701880206555

See how innocent children a...
március 20 2025 23:21:27

| Check This Out
useful site
március 18 2025 00:50:51

| useful reference
browse around this web-site
március 16 2025 22:21:19

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március 14 2025 23:15:15

GMSlots deluxe
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március 12 2025 02:48:15

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március 11 2025 12:10:02

Ihfuwhdjiwdjwijdiwfhewguhejiw fwdiwjiwjfiwhf fjwsjfwefeigiefjie fwifjeifiegjiejijfehf
március 08 2025 20:12:12

| learn this here now
pop over here
március 07 2025 07:31:07

| their explanation
get redirected here
március 06 2025 21:22:16

| anchor
március 06 2025 08:00:16

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